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 ICP-MS cones

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No-Break nebulizers

Burgener Nebulizers

Tyfoon Nebulizers

ICP Spray Chambers

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  • Does EPOND supply 'micro-nebulizers' for low-uptake ICP and DIN applications ?
    Yes, and in several materials and configurations ... cross-flow and concentric types,
    with good performance right down to less than 5 microlitres/minute.

    ESI's  MicroFlow  and  PFA-ST  nebulizers are industry standards for low-uptake
    applications - physically robust and able to tolerate any solvents including HF.

    EPOND's  Zefyr  and  Lucida  nebulizers have such low levels of stable,
    aspirated uptakes that they can inject sample directly into the base of an ICP injector.

    Meinhard  FitKit connectors and SILQ nebulizers  are innovations
    that take the concentric nebulizer performance and utility to new levels.

  • What is the shelf life of an ICP-MS detector from EPOND ?

    If kept in a dry, inert-gas environment with no exposure to strong light, vibration or
    temperatures outside the range 10 to 25 deg.C., the shelf life will be at least 2 years.

  • What's this nebulizer "vacuum" that I've heard about ?

    Most pneumatic, concentric nebulizers develop a pressure drop at the gas orifice,
    effectively a 'vacuum' ... they can therefore pump, or aspirate, liquid samples.
    This can be very useful,  as contamination from peristaltic-pump tubing
    is completely avoided 
    if sample is aspirated in this way.
     ** Note :  This advantage is also obtained with ESI's  'FAST'  sample valve system.
    This method of sample delivery is increasingly used with new autosamplers.
    For more details of aspirated uptake - see the EPOND   No-Break nebulizers site. ,

  • How can I clean a glass nebulizer without breaking it ?

    Don't use an ultrasound cleaner or a wire, in case you were tempted:
      if simple rinsing or reverse-pumping doesn't work, then use an  EPOND  PEARL
     cleaning device - it fits all types of concentric glass and quartz nebulizers
    ... yes,   all types !

    If you  already  have a broken ICP nebulizer, have a look at the
      advice for broken ICP Nebulizers   page of the 'No-Break nebulizers' site.

  • How should I measure the self-aspiration rate of an ICP nebulizer ?

    The best way to do this is with an electronic meter that measures ul/minute
    uptake accurately in seconds - in the range 5 to 2000 microlitres per minute or more.
    EPOND's pioneering uptake meters have set the standard in this field since 2004.
    The patented measurement system of these meters is non-contact and has software
    that permits re-configuring for your individual requirements.

  • Does EPOND supply MS accessories and chromatography supplies ?

    Yes, for a small range of products - such as deuterium lamps and syringes,
    but we can recommend a company that does a lot more -
    MS Wil GmbH
    in northern Switzerland.
    MS Wil is specialized in mass spectrometry accessories and consumables,
    as well as GC and LC consumables.

    If you have any less-frequently asked questions, please email   info @ e-pond. biz  and we'll answer within the day.

    Im Langhag 12
    CH - 8307    Effretikon

    tel.: +41 52 355 30 86    fax : +41 52 343 16 90
    Email :     info @ e-pond. biz 

    © EPOND