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 ***  Over 100 PDF files on ESI products for ICP-MS and ICP-OES analysis
 ***  the most recent entries are shown in  BOLD-ITALIC

Apex High-Sensitivity Sample Inlet Systems
 -  increases the sensitivity of any ICP by up to 10x !
 -  more reliable than a USN, and much more compact !
 -  handles difficult matrices that defeat a USN, even 30% nitric acid !

ACM active membrane module, Apex accessory, PDF 1.3 MBytes
Apex-E : boosting sensitivity of the Varian Vista, PDF 173 kBytes
Determination of Ca isotopes with Apex and ACM, PDF 530 kBytes
Apex with radial ICP-OES
Using the Apex-E for ICPOES analyses at low uptakes, PDF 355 kBytes
Apex-E with Varian Vista ICPOES
Apex-FAST for direct seawater analyses, PDF 142 kBytes
Apex-HF - analysis of high-Si samples by ICP-OES, PDF 146 kBytes
Apex-HF with Thermo Element 2, PDF 244 kBytes
Apex-Q for urine isotope ratios, PDF 344 kBytes
Apex - a high-sensitivity sample inlet system, PDF 642 kBytes
Apex - description of its main benefits, PDF 180 kBytes
Apex - brief summary, PDF 301 kBytes
Overview of the Apex in 12 pages, PDF 3 MBytes
Apex : benefits with a PE Elan DRC
Apex-Q with Vista 01, PDF 1.5 MBytes
Apex-Q with Vista 02, PDF 676 kBytes
Apex-Q with Vista 03, PDF 635 kBytes
Apex-FAST for analysis of undiluted seawater, PDF 149 kBytes
Apex and high-TDS samples with the Spectro CIROS, PDF 39 kBytes
Spiro membrane desolvator, PDF 761 kBytes

 -  the SC-series - unsurpassed for accuracy and throughput
 -  available with the 'FAST' sample switching valve

SC autosampler installation guide
SC-2DX autosampler
SC-2DX-FAST autosampler summary
SC-4DX autosampler summary
SC-8DX autosampler summary
SC-14DX autosampler summary
Overview of SC-DX series autosamplers
SC-E2-DXS autosampler for Element-2 ICP-MS
SC-E2-DXS autosampler enclosure
SCE4-DXS autosampler
SCE4-DXS autosampler enclosure

Enhanced Sample Trays for ICP-MS instruments
 -  make the most of laboratory real estate

Enhanced sample tray for Finnigan Element
PE Elan sample tray
Finnigan Element enlarged sample tray

ESI and Meinhard ICP instrument catalogs
 -  - products listed by instrument type ... ask for types not listed

ESI products for Thermo Finnigan ICP-MS family
ESI products for Thermo X-series ICP-MS
ESI products for Bruker ICP-MS
ESI products for PerkinElmer NexION ICP-MS
ESI products for PerkinElmer Elan ICP-MS
ESI catalog for Thermo iCAP-Q ICP-MS family
Meinhard catalog for all ICP types
ESI catalog for Spectro ICP-OES family
ESI catalog for PerkinElmer Optima ICP-OES family

Hydride system for ICP analyses

ESI's hydride generation system - overview
ESI's hydride generation system - User Manual

ICP-MS accessories for Semiconductor Laboratories
 -  where only fluoropolymers will do ...

Components for Finnigan Element 2
Components for PerkinElmer Elan

ICP-OES and ICP-MS Sample-introduction Kits
 -  when the utmost purity is needed

ESI PFA Upgrade Kits
HF-Resistant Sample Intro for ICP
O-ring free Quartz Sample-Intro Finnigan ELEMENT
PFA High-Purity Sample-Intro System for GV ICP-MS
PFA Hi-Purity Sample-Intro System for Agilent ICP-MS
PFA Hi-Purity Sample-Intro System for Finnigan Element
PFA Hi-Purity Sample-Intro System for PE-Elan
PFA Hi-Purity Sample-Intro System for Thermo ICP-MS
PFA Hi-Purity Sample-Intro Systems
PFA SuperPure Kit Agilent ICP-MS
PFA Upgrade for Cetac MCN-6000 & Aridus

Laser-ablation ICP-MS
Dual-chamber LA-ICPMS accessory

Meinhard 2014 catalog   ...  with OEM Part Numbers
 -  new printed catalog available on request at end of 2013

Meinhard catalog for 2014

Membrane Units
 -  eliminate the solvent in your ICP samples !

ACM membrane Unit for desolvation
ACM module summary
Membrane desolvation units
Spiro membrane Unit for desolvation

 -  fully resistant to all acids, even concentrated HF !

PFA MicroFlow nebulizers
PFA concentric nebulizers
PFA-ST concentric nebulizers
PolyPro concentric nebulizers
PolyPro-ST concentric nebulizers
ST-nebulizer cleaning kit
Meinhard glass and quartz nebulizers - with PFA connectors
Installation guide for ST-nebulizers

 MP2 peristaltic pump
 MP2 peri-pump stability
'SYRIX' O-ring-free syringe pump for ICP instruments

Animations of the FAST and prepFAST systems
 basic FAST system, PowerPoint animation
 prepFAST system, PowerPoint animation
 prepFAST autodilution, PowerPoint animation

Sample Preparation
 -  use the 'FAST' valve's advantages to boost throughput !

Analyses of Organic samples - Methanol highlighted
Trace elements in sea-water : 'seaFAST'
oneFast manual for PE ICP instruments
Trace elements in brine : 'brineFAST'
SC-FAST accessory, improving Hg determinations
Mehlich-3 soil extract analysis with PE Optima 5300
PFA Evaporation Vessel for Modblock
SC-FAST for soil samples
Selenium in saline waters

Spray Chambers
 -  Thermostatted stability and HF-resistance

High-Flow PFA sray chamber
PC3-LT Low-Temperature spray chamber
PC3 and PC3-SSI Sample Inlet Systems
PC3 Thermostatted spray chamber for Agilent ICP-MS
PC3 Electrically-thermostatted spray chamber
PC3-SSI Sample Inlet System
PFA Coaxial spray chambers
PolyPro cyclonic spray chamber for PE Optima
PolyPro cyclonic spray chambers
PureCap with PFA spray chamber

Technical Notes
 -  relevant, appropriate answers for a wide variety of sample types

Tech Note 11 : On-line matrix removal with SC-FAST
Tech Note 12 : Determination of REE's in sea-water with APEX-FAST
Tech Note 13 : Direct analysis of sea-water with ICP-MS
Methyl-mercury speciation with the SC-FAST
Reducing CCV failures with SC-FAST
Selenium in saline waters
Tech Note 06 : Chromium speciation using SC-FAST
Tech Note 10 : reverse-phase HPLC with Spiro

 -  O-ring free types for the ultimate in trace analysis
 -  Quartz, Platinum and Sapphire injectors

High-Precision torches and O-ring free injectors
Precision torches and O-ring free injectors for Finnigan ICP-MS
Precision torches and O-ring free injectors
Precision torch for ELAN ICP-MS
Torch for Leeman ICP-OES

For additional information and prices, please email    info @ e-pond. biz